Is Law of Attraction a Spell?

First off, this post was really hard to find a title for. I couldn’t figure out how to get my message across without it sounding like I was hating on magick or calling it a falsehood- which I am not.

For reference, I would consider myself a studying witch. I have not devoted my year and a day, but I have worked with the occult for many years on and off. More eclectic than anything.

What I’m getting at is that I am the last person to tell you that magick isn’t real.

Now that that has been said…

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts can bring positive or negative results into your life. This is based on the idea that you and your thoughts are made of energy and that similar energies are attracted to each other.

In order to send your energy out, you use verbal and non-verbal affirmations and visualizations to show yourself already having what it is that you wish to manifest. Sending this information (energy) out into the world, tells the Universe what you want.

This philosophy has been dubbed pseudoscience in the scientific community because they can’t explain it.

Sound familiar, right?

On first glance, this theory sounded great.. I focus on what I want and I get it. Fan-fucking-tastic!

So what does this have to do with magick?

The more that I really thought about it, I realized that I am sending energy out and receiving something in return. I am telling the Universe that these are my intentions....I am of the belief that we all hold our own magick, our own power, and that power is what we use to create. This creation can be of the life we want, to assist others, or to influence things. All of this creation contains our energy.

When I think of sending energy out in witchcraft, I think about the Threefold Law (Law of Return). What I send out, comes back to me threefold. To me, this means that the energy that I send out into the world with intention, will come back to me threefold – good or bad.

Witches send energy out by casting spells. These spells can contain rituals and specific items, or they can be small incantations that are repeated with intention. The definition of a ‘spell’ is:

A spell is a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power; a state of enchantment

Spells send out energy to the Universe.The Law of Attraction sends energy out into the Universe.Both of these send out energy into the Universe with the expectation that a shift in energy will be created to allow the energy to manifest.

I am not going to sit here and tell you what you should believe a spell is.. that’s not my place. What you believe a spell is personal and individual.

In the Law of Attraction, if you are super desperate for something to manifest, then the desperate energy will be the energy that you are sending out. If you continually worry that what you want will not manifest, then this worry and the idea of it not manifesting will be the energy that you are sending. In both of these examples, the energy that you are sending out is negative energy and will end up attracting a negative result unintentionally.You need to have the ability to focus on what you want without worrying about it not happening. This.. this is the hardest part of manifesting through spellwork or through the Law of Attraction. Most people attempt to manifest things that they really really want, but don't think that they can have. So being able to only see the good and not worry about the negative is why people end up manifesting the opposite of what they want.

I found this to be really interesting because I interpret this as your asking for something, but wanting it so badly that you are scared that you will not receive it. At this point, you are no longer trusting the Universe to provide this for you.

Magick works on the premise of belief. Belief in what you are doing and belief in the Universe.I believe that the Law of Attraction is a way to bring magick to everyone because as we have learned in the past, labels can ruin things.

Do you think spells and the Law of Attraction are the same?


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

9 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Reading Tarot Cards


Wicca vs. Witchcraft: Unveiling Differences in Practice, Beliefs, and History