10 Simple Spells for Beginner Witches

Ready to dip your toes into the magical world of witchcraft? If you're just starting, it can be a little overwhelming with all the tools, rituals, and fancy terms.

But don't worry! We've got you covered with 10 simple spells that anyone can try.

They're easy, effective, and best of all, they use everyday items you might already have at home. So, grab your broomsticks (or just a comfy chair), and let's get started!

1. Candle Wishes

Purpose: Making a wish

What You Need: A candle, a lighter/matches

How to Do It: Light the candle and focus on your wish. Close your eyes and visualize it coming true. When you're ready, blow out the candle while making your wish. Keep the candle for future spells, if possible.

2. Protective Salt Circle

Purpose: Protection from negative energy

What You Need: Salt (table salt is fine), a small bowl

How to Do It: Pour salt into a small bowl. Stand in the middle of the room and sprinkle the salt in a circle around you. Imagine a protective barrier forming as you do this. This circle can be made anywhere to create a safe space.

3. Herbal Dream Pillow

Purpose: Better sleep and vivid dreams

What You Need: A small fabric pouch, lavender, chamomile

How to Do It: Fill the pouch with dried lavender and chamomile. Sew it shut or tie it with a string. Place it under your pillow to encourage restful sleep and vivid dreams.

4. Attracting Good Luck

Purpose: Bringing positive energy and luck

What You Need: A small green candle, a coin, a marker

How to Do It: Light the green candle and place the coin beside it. Write "luck" on the coin with a marker. Focus on bringing good luck into your life while the candle burns. Once the candle is out, keep the coin as a charm in your pocket or bag.

5. Simple Energy Cleansing

Purpose: Removing negative energy from a room

What You Need: Sage or incense

How to Do It: Light the sage or incense and walk through each room in your home, allowing the smoke to cleanse the space. As you do, visualize negative energy being cleared away, replaced by positive vibes.

How to Use sage

How to Use Sage

If you want to know more about saging and how it works, check out my post here.

6. Friendship Knot

Purpose: Strengthening a friendship

What You Need: A piece of string or ribbon

How to Do It: Tie a knot in the string or ribbon for each friend you want to strengthen your bond with. As you tie each knot, say the name of your friend and imagine your friendship growing stronger. Keep the string in a safe place.

7. Calming Tea Ritual

Purpose: Reducing stress and anxiety

What You Need: A calming tea (like chamomile or peppermint), a teacup

How to Do It: Brew the tea and hold the cup in your hands. Close your eyes and breathe in the calming aroma. Take a sip and feel the warmth spreading through your body, melting away stress.

8. Love Attraction Spell

Purpose: Attracting positive relationships

What You Need: A small red candle, a rose petal

How to Do It: Light the red candle and place a rose petal beside it. Focus on the kind of love or relationship you want to attract. As the candle burns, visualize it coming into your life. Keep the rose petal as a token of your intention.

Love Attraction Spell

Here is a simple love attraction spell that I created that can help bring love your way.

9. Gratitude Journal Spell

Purpose: Attracting abundance and positivity

What You Need: A notebook, a pen

How to Do It: Each day, write down three things you're grateful for. This simple act of gratitude can attract positive energy and abundance into your life. Review your journal regularly to stay positive.

10. Healing Stone Spell

Purpose: Promoting physical or emotional healing

What You Need: A smooth stone, a marker

How to Do It: Write the word "heal" or a similar positive word on the stone. Hold it in your hands and focus on the healing energy you want to bring into your life. Place the stone on a windowsill to soak up sunlight, then keep it close to you for comfort and healing.

Wrapping It Up:

There you go! Ten simple spells for beginner witches. These spells are easy to try and can bring a touch of magic into your everyday life. Remember, the most important part of witchcraft is your intention, so focus on what you want to achieve, and let your magic flow! Whether you're making a wish, cleansing your space, or attracting good luck, these spells are a great way to start your magical journey.

Good luck, and may your journey into witchcraft be filled with magic and discovery!


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.


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