Open Your Third Eye: How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

When you begin your spiritual journey, opening your third eye plays a large role in connecting to your intuition and visualization. Your third eye is known as your Pineal Gland.

What you will learn in this post:

  • Symptoms of a Calcified Pineal Gland

  • Who discovered the Pineal Gland

  • What does the Pineal Gland Do

  • How to Decalcify and Open your Third Eye

  • Meditation to Bring some LOVE to the Pineal Gland

A Quick History Lesson…

The Pineal Gland has been dubbed the seat of the soul. Which was discovered in animals in the second century A.D. by a guy named Galen. This was the common belief until the mid-19th century when emphasis was placed on scientific discoveries. After that, research was conducted and melatonin was isolated. This led to the new understanding that the Pineal Gland is part of the endocrine system.

In Ayurveda, which is an ancient holistic wellness practice that was developed in India 3,000 years ago, pouring warm oil on the forehead between the eyes prior to a head massage was seen a very common practice. This is now realized as a way to help open your third eye by relaxing you and focusing your mind on this area.

What is the Pineal Gland?

The Pineal Gland is a small pinecone shaped gland located in the center of your brain. It’s also known as your THIRD EYE.

The pineal gland takes information from your eyes and sends out hormonal signals to the rest of your body letting it know if it’s light or dark.  This helps to regulate your circadian rhythm by secreting melatonin into the bloodstream.

In addition, the Pineal gland is also the regulator of regulators in that it helps to regulate reproductive function, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, sleep, tumor growth, mood and the immune system.

When you begin your spiritual journey, opening your third eye plays a large role in connecting to your intuition and visualization.

One of the first steps is to remove the current calcification that is already present. This will allow you a deeper connection with nature as well as leave you more restored through better sleep.

What can’t be done if we all got some better sleep, right?

But First..How does the Pineal Gland Get Calcified?

The Pineal gland isn’t protected by the blood brain barrier like the rest of your brain, thus it is subject to large amounts of blood flow.

This blood flow allows chemicals like fluoride, chlorine, calcium and pesticides to accumulate in the gland and create phosphate crystals which create a hard shell around the gland, called calcification.

When the pineal gland gets calcified it lowers the production of melatonin which messes with our circadian rhythm and sleep/wake cycles. It also reduces our connection to nature because we are no longer able to sync our bodies with the natural rhythms of Mother Nature.

That all sounds great, but how do I know if my Pineal Gland is even calcified?

So now that I sound like everything in the world is out to kill you, I want to put some perspective on this.

  • 62% of 346 patients with an average age of 58 had calcification

  • 71.6% of 12,000 Turkish subjects had calcification in the pineal gland that was higher than any other organ

  • An estimated 40% of American’s have a calcified pineal gland by the age of 17

Calcification may be related to the aging process, but calcification has been observed in babies as well.

Symptoms of Pineal Gland Calcification:

  • Low melatonin levels

  • Hormone Imbalance

  • Insomnia

  • Circadian Rhythm Disfunction

  • Bipolar Disease

  • Alzheimer's Disease

  • Low back pain

  • Early sexual development in girls

  • Intense craving for alcohol

  • Fatigue due to sleep problems

How To Decalcify Your Third Eye

The main contributors of calcification are fluoride, chlorine and synthetic calcium. Reducing and possibly eliminating your consumption of these three things can prevent further calcification of the gland.

Fluoride and chlorine can both also be absorbed by the skin, so showering and bathing in fluorinated and chlorinated water can also contribute to calcification.

I’m no expert on the effects of chemicals on the body. I am only presenting you with some information for you to do with what you will.

Where do we find fluoride and chlorine?

Fluoride and chlorine are most commonly found in the public water supply. Other areas where fluoride, chlorine and pesticides can be found are in commercial toothpaste, calcium supplements, nonstick cookware, processed foods and other foods that have had pesticides applied to them.

How to Remove Fluoride and Chlorine in the Water

But what most people don’t realize is that the fluoride in our water is not the same pretty green stone that we have on our shelves. It’s a non-pharmaceutical grade synthetic version that is derived from the byproducts of aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufacturing processes.

The best way to prevent to consumption of fluoride and chlorine from the water supply is to filter your water.

Will any water filter work?

Not any water filter will work to remove fluoride and chlorine from your water. Most commercial filters will only remove chlorine because it is easier to filter out. Two filters types that will remove both chlorine and fluoride are reverse osmosis and a high quality mesh filter.

When choosing a water filter, please make sure that the filter is NSF- certified and not just NSF tested. Certified means it passed, while tested could go either way… NSF is a non-profit third party that tests water filters.

Reverse osmosis will remove fluoride and chlorine, but you will also remove any other trace minerals and waste a ton of water in the process (hello higher water bill).

Although most mesh filters don’t typically remove fluoride, I have found some that do and have listed them below.

Water Filters

Fluoride Free Toothpaste

Most commercial brands of toothpaste contain fluoride. Let me rephrase that.. Most commercial tooth care products contain fluoride.

To swap out your toothpaste for a more third eye friendly version, you could try Dr. Bronner’s or you could pick up some Tom’s at your local store.

And now we approach the Kitchen..

There are a few things from the kitchen that can contribute fluoride, chlorine and pesticides to our foods, in addition to the foods themselves.

  • Swap non-stick cookware for stainless steel. This is the set that I have.

  • Choose metal over plastic cooking utensils

  • Choose a stainless steel water bottle. My favorite brand is Bubba because it keep everything so cold all day, which is really nice in the Florida summer.

  • Cook fresh as much as possible, but when you can’t, choose glass over plastic Tupperware.

  • Clean up your diet to remove processed foods and include more plant matter, which is natural detoxifier. Also, aim for calcium loaded veggies to potentially replace a calcium supplement.

  • If at all possible, avoid the Dirty Dozen in the produce section and choose higher quality organic.

Meditation to Bring Love to the Pineal Gland

  1. Sit comfortably or lay down. Bring your attention to your breath.

  2. After a few minutes, begin to breathe into your heart chakra and hold for a second.

  3. Then, before you breathe out, move this energy right up your spine to your pineal gland and shower it with loving energy from your heart.

  4. Breathe out.

  5. Continue this cycle for a few minutes and repeat daily.

  • Adams LC, Böker SM, Bender YY, Diederichs G, Fallenberg EM, Wagner M, Hamm B, Makowski MR PLoS One. 2017; 12(3):e0172764. Diagnostic accuracy of susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation of pineal gland calcification.

    Yalcin A, Ceylan M, Bayraktutan OF, Sonkaya AR, Yuce IJ Chem Neuroanat. 2016 Dec; 78():20-24. Age and gender related prevalence of intracranial calcifications in CT imaging; data from 12,000 healthy subjects.

    Zimmerman RA. "Age-Related Incidence of Pineal Calcification Detected by Computed Tomography" (PDF). Radiological Society of North America. Archived (PDF) from the original on 24 March 2012. Retrieved 21 June 2012.


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

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